
Warehouse for storage of mattresses and sleep products, village of Chepintsi

Strimona Stroy completed the stage 1 of 4 of the following project:
“Warehouse for storage of mattresses and sleep products” - village of Chepintsi, q. Stopanski Dvor, region of Novi Iskar, Sofia Municipality.
Client: Cordeel - Bulgaria
The site is an one-storey production hall with an administrative section. Due to its irregular-floor-plane shape, the hall is divided into two buildings with floor-plan dimensions 24/59 m and 23/24 m respectively. Gable roof with a slope of 3%, Height = 8.26m to ridge at highest point. The structure of the halls is mixed. It consists of Precast reinforced concrete columns. Steel roof - trusses with 24-m span.

The total weight of the steel structure is 79160.00 kg.