Production and installation of steel structures for buildings

Voya Beach Resort
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Balkanpharma - Dupnitsa AD
Manufacturing, supply and installation of a steel structure performed professionally and within the required term by Strimona Stroy EOOD, on the site „Expansion of the factory for pharmacy products” of Balkanpharma – Dupnitsa AD.
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Sports complex
Production and installation activities on a steel structure performed by Strimona Stroy EOOD on the site “Sports complex with an indoor swimming-pool and football playground with tribunes and service buildings” in the town of Burgas. High professionalism and quality of the performance on the site.
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Warehouse for finished products LIDL
Production and installation activities on a steel structure performed by Strimona Stroy EOOD on the site “Sports complex with an indoor swimming-pool and football playground with tribunes and service buildings” in the town of Burgas. High professionalism and quality of the performance on the site.
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Municipal Sports Hall
Our professionalism in the performance of the site “Municipal sports hall” in the town of Petrich is due to our rich experience in the production and installation of steel structures.
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Rose Air
Production and installation of the main bearing steel structure for an aircraft hangar. Production and installation of all elements for wall surrounding. Complex performance of the facade systems.
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Production and warehouse building
Expansion of the production and warehouse building of Lavena AD, town of Shumen
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Multifunctional shopping and entertainment complex and office building
Internal reconstruction and reconstruction of the gallery at +5.610, the MALL OF SOFIA
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